Saturday, December 30, 2017
Friday, December 1, 2017
Download three of my chapbooks for FREE today only: Always Been A Surfer, The Man Who Loves The Clouds, and Munchies! Here is the address to go get 'em... >
Wednesday, November 22, 2017
Three poems published here. Here they are (photos courtesy Adrian Ernesto Cepeda, still waiting for my copy to arrive):
Of Knowledge, Knowing (whole poem not depicted)
Only Two People / The Big Bang
Sunday, November 5, 2017
Publication Reading!
I have a poem published (Hello from Yellowstone) in Issue #3 of Incandescent Mind...
...but this first open reader wants to take a selfish selfie... I can settle back and enjoy the reading!
Monday, October 30, 2017
Yesterday afternoon I featured reading my poems by subject request: (Quantum Physics) Transient, (Snacks) The Planet of the Oreos, (Sex) Science, (Rectangles) The Rectangle People, and (Cigarettes) Growth...
...and sold a few books too!
Sunday, October 29, 2017
Friday, October 27, 2017
Just found out I have two of my classic poems (In the Sea of Dolphins, I Am a Manta Ray and Car People) published in the San Diego Reader... >
Wednesday, October 18, 2017
Publication Reading!
I am the lead-off poet with five poems (A Bowl, The Designer, Man Made World, Mr. Hide, and Traveling York Blvd.) published in this gorgeous tome...
...and I was the lead-off reader too this past Sunday at the Eagle Rock Library where I read Traveling York Blvd., Mr. Hide, and Nine Birds, Facebook Newsfeed Sonnets, Where The Road Ends, Dream Horses (from The Inner Three anthology)!
Saturday, September 30, 2017
This morning between 11 and 1pm I hosted the 100,000 Poets for Change reading,
reading two of my own poems "Strange Roadkill" and "Semi-Automatic Suicide".
Thank you Derek Brown, Kimberly Cobian, Luis Villalobos, Christopher Cressey, Carl Stilwell, Beverly M. Collins, Gregory Foster, Scott Kaestner and Seven Dhar for performing!
Saturday, September 23, 2017
Publication Reading!
I have a poem titled "Three Hours at the Tijuana Border" published here by...
Kimberly Cobian, also our host for the publication reading tonight in Downey at The Green Salon.
Kudos to my Facebook friends also in this fine book, Lida Abramian, Ava Bird, Jack G. Bowman, Lynne Bronstein, Juan Cardenas, Jackie Chou, Michael Ian Churchman, Beverly M. Collins, Mark Fisher, Michael Gonzalez, Lalo Kikiriki, Rick Leddy, Radomir Vojtech Luza, Scott Nichols, Lorine Parks, Chris Alex Penalber, Cindy Rinne, Linda Singer, Josette Siqueiros, Carl Stilwell, Tim Tipton, Alicia Viguer-Espert, Lynn White, and Jessica Wilson Cardenas!
Saturday, September 16, 2017
Thank you Rd Armstrong for publishing my poem "Blue Ramblers" in another of a long line of fine poetry journals you have produced. Can't wait for the publication reading. Congrats to my Facebook friends Lynne Bronstein, Carl Stilwell, Alicia Viguer-Espert, Alexis Rhone Fancher, Mark Fisher, Amélie Frank, Martina Gallegos, Lalo Kikiriki, Ron Koertge, Raundi Kai Moore-Kondo, Marie C Lecrivain, Ellyn Maybe, Daniel McGinn, Robbi Nester, Toti O'Brien, Lorine Parks, Thelma T. Reyna, Kevin Ridgeway, Linda Singer, Apryl Skies, Kevin Patrick Sullivan, Tim Tipton, Murray Thomas, Maja Trochimczyk, and Rolland Vasin for also being published in this issue!
Monday, September 11, 2017
Yesterday afternoon I was the featured poet for The Poetry Zone reading series hosted by Virginia Mariposa Dale at the Karpeles Manuscript Library Museum in Santa Barbara.
I regaled the audience with tales about and read the eight poems (Memory of Tire; Showing a DVD on the Galapagos to a Ninth Grade Class; Nine birds; What Are You Willing to Do for Love; I'm In Love with This Building; You're an Amusement Park, Baby; Munchies; and The Planet of the Oreos) in my newest book promotion sampler.
Wednesday, August 30, 2017
NOW AVAILABLE! My latest featuring 28 new poems composed between June and August. Get your copy for a measly $5 at Saturday Afternoon Poetry in Pasadena...or go to and send $7 (includes $2 for shipping) to
Monday, August 28, 2017
Road Trip!
August 6th - Sierra Nevada College
August 8th - San Jose Art Gallery
My host: Ellaraine Lockie
August 9th - Cafe Lift
Cafe Lift
August 10th - Cafe Frescati
August 12th - Chocolate and wine read around at Ellaraine's
Saturday, July 29, 2017

Ever make a mixtape for somebody? Here's my freshly published poem that does just that... >
Wednesday, July 26, 2017

My classic poem "Showing a Documentary on Vietnam to a 10th Grade Class" has been published on the internet for the first time... >
Wednesday, July 19, 2017
NOW AVAILABLE! My best spoken word poetry in one volume for only $10. Come to Saturday Afternoon Poetry in Pasadena for your copy, or order via, sending $12 to Buy it on Saturday, July 22nd at the Santa Catalina Branch Library and the money will go to the Baby Luna Car Fund!
Tuesday, July 4, 2017

BNW has published eight of my new poems!!!!!!!!
(deaths to look forward to in a particular order, Sunday Morning, Listen to the Park, In Kristian Mensa Land, Kristian Mensa Mind, Novim's Nightmare Whistlestar, Nine Birds, and two Facebook Newsfeed Sonnets)
Saturday, June 10, 2017
Three more classic poems published here!!! (Room 222A, Sphere, and The Free Way)
Sunday, June 4, 2017
Thursday, June 1, 2017
NOW AVAILABLE! My latest chapbook featuring 24 pages of new poems composed between March and May 2017. Just $5. Pick up a copy at Saturday Afternoon Poetry or via (include $2 for shipping, make payment to )
Monday, May 29, 2017
Just got 2 poems published in the latest! (Thirteen Ways of Looking at Poppies and Moon Poetry.) Some of the proceeds will go to a family support group in Philippine General Hospital during Christmas. They will donate books to the outpatients to promote literature. A mere $15 will buy you a copy. Go here for one... >
Friday, May 12, 2017
I've got a classic poem (Wet Affection) published here today... >
Friday, May 5, 2017
My newest! $10 for this clean collection at the Santa Catalina Branch Library on Saturday afternoon or visit and send $12 ($2 for shipping) to
Saturday, April 29, 2017
I have two poems published in this year's book: Alhambra Raccoon and Three Layer Brownie. Also, congrats to my FB friends for being in here as well: Jack G. Bowman, Peggy Castro, Jackie Chou, Marsha Cifarelli, Beverly M. Collins, Stacy DeGroot, Marvinlouis Dorsey, Pauline Dutton, Richard Dutton, Emily Fernandez, Mark Fisher, Gregory Foster, Elsa Frausto, Martina Gallegos, Hazel Clayton, Arminé Iknadossian, Gerda Govine, Briony James, Jeffry Michael Jensen, Lois P. Jones, Lorelei Kay, Loralie Pallotta, Lalo Kikiriki, Mina V. Kirby, Deborah P Kolodji, Kitty Kroger, Janis Lukstein, Rick Lupert, Radomir Vojtech Luza, Karineh Mahdessian, Shahe Mankerian, Mira Mataric, Toti O'Brien, Alice Pero, Thelma T. Reyna, Susan Rogers, Cathie Sandstrom, Carl Stilwell, Judith Terzi, Mary Langer Thompson, Maja Trochimczyk, Lori Holloway, Mari Werner
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