Wednesday, December 20, 2023



Thank you Mark Lipman for publishing my poem and those of my friends: David Romero, Carl Stilwell, Chad Parenteau, Lynn White, Yvonne Estrada, Pam Ward, S.a. Gerber, Tongo Eisen-Martin, Thelma T. Reyna, Matt Sedillo, Megha Sood, and Terry Wolverton!

Friday, December 15, 2023



There's my book!
Read new poems: In the World War III Museum and Real Love...
...and some classics: Mans, Interchangeable, and Before We Died.

Friday, December 1, 2023

New Poetic Libretto!

Kingfisher Oblivion is a poetic libretto (16 pages) artfully depicting new poems composed in 2023 with these titles: Sonnet to Oblivion, Pick Up Walk, Mark, I'm Satisfied If I Die Tonight, Morning for the Dead, Now I'm 64 (a ten-part poem), and Walking Through a Graveyard.

Get your PDF copy for free here, today only: The 19th Annual Poetry E-Book Free-For-All (

Printed copies are available from the author for $4.